Guidry & East brings you Transplant Insider, a quarterly publication comprised of resources and news vital to developing your transplant business solutions for growing transplant programs, improving transplant operations, and the transplant financial product line.
We look forward to being your provider of the latest policies and procedures in quality patient care.
We offer expert consulting services to Transplant Centers to bring efficiency, improve financial results, and enhance quality patient care.
Pre-emptive Independent Peer Review
Recent history has shown that you should not wait on engaging our Pre-emptive Independent Peer services to review your Transplant Program(s) if you had recent changes in Key Program personnel (physician(s) and/or surgeons) or suspect an upwards trend in patient deaths and graft failures. The purpose of an Independent Peer Review (IPR) is to determine, from a clinical/operational, quality, and regulatory perspective, if your Transplant Program is in compliance with the operational and outcome requirements set forth by CMS and the OPTN/UNOS. The IPR Team will identify issues that are preventing or inhibiting the Transplant Program from, among other things, attaining or maintaining full and ongoing compliance with the Medicare Conditions of Participation related to patient and graft survivals. Options for additional Transplant Program adjustments will be proposed to promote sustainability of improved outcomes.In addition, our Independent Peer Review Team (three to eight consultants) will be of assistance to your center in highlighting both short and long- term opportunities for improvement.