Form Test

We welcome the opportunity to listen and learn about the goals and objectives for your Transplant Center. It is likely that we offer services that are a great fit for you. Please, feel free to call about how Guidry & East may provide proven strategies and solutions to issues within your Transplant Center.

Alexander Aussi, BSN, RN, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
Office: 858-437-7565

Tim Stevens, MA, BSN, RN, CCTC
Chief Operating Officer
Office: 509-720-4466

Troy Heckenkemper
Chief Financial Officer
Office: 479-936-8754

Corporate Office:
13258-B El Montano Rd.
Rogers, AR 72758
Office: 504-333-9333

    Guidry & East is committed to providing you with fast and efficient service. If you would like a quote on any of our services please complete the short form below and click submit.

    Contact Information

    What services are you interested in?

    Audit of the Medicare Organ Acquisition Cost ReportMedicare Cost Report Review Prior to FilingFinancial Audit and Clinical/Operation TESTTransplant Center Operational AssessmentIndependent Peer Review TeamOnsite TESTQAPI AssessmentTransplant Program Feasibility & Proforma StudyTransplant Center Quarterly RetainerOperational & Financial Assessment of the HLA LabStaffing TEST and Interim Program ManagementMechanical Circulatory SupportOther, Please specify in the comments box

    Do You Have Any Additional Comments You Would Like To Include Related To This Request?